Wisdom of the Ages Retreat

A retreat for Women (50+) in the Real Estate Industry

Sorrento, Italy

The first step is
saying YES.

Join us in the magic of Sorrento.

When: September 24th-October 1st, 2024
Women in the Real Estate Industry who are 50+
Why: You’re looking to expand, gain clarity on the next steps in life & mastermind
7 spots available

*To submit your information- scroll to the bottom of the page!
If you have any questions that aren’t answered here- please reach out to Jolene: jolenem@jolenemcdonough.com

Kathleen’s invitation…

We invite you to watch and listen to Kathleen’s invitation to join us in Sorrento this coming September 2024. This will help you get a better feel of the intention and energy of this experience.

Meet Your Guides

  • Founder: Wisdom of the Ages Retreat

    This Retreat in Sorento, Italy is an act of passion. I’m following my intuition and giving all of us permission to delve into this experience. The “Wisdom of the Ages” is a reflection of the honoring of entrepreneurial women at all the different stages of their lives. We have important insights to access, discover, share, explore and embody.

    Italy’s culture allows us to rest. We have full permission to pause and take the time we need. In our everyday lives, we give and give and give. We strategize and adjust and drive forward. Now, it is time to recharge, to allow the becoming.

    I built my company Kammbium with one goal in mind: to coach real estate agents and admins to help them be the best they can be.

    I’ve spent the last two decades working in the real estate industry and learning everything I can about building and sustaining your real estate operations and all the talent it takes. I’ve also dedicated countless hours to working with rainmakers, lead agents and team leaders to help them scale their business and build a successful team.

    My team and I are devoted to reinventing how real estate teams operate. Our proven system takes the accepted chaos out of real estate and turns your business into the well-oiled machine you’ve always dreamt of. Yes, it’s a process and it takes work to transform, but you aren’t alone.
    You can learn more about Kathleen here: Kammbium

    We are your guides for the “Wisdom of the Ages”.

  • Retreat Organizer

    Jolene founded Systems Success, Inc. so that she could focus on helping companies, small business owners and entrepreneurs create sustainable profits and better lives for employees, contracted staff and most importantly, the owner.

    Considered the Visionary’s Visionary, she’s helped numerous individuals and companies navigate the complexities that come with growth and expansion, specifically in systems, organization, and leadership.

    Before Systems Success, Jolene spent over 18 years as Owner/COO/CFO of a large real estate enterprise. While maneuvering massive growth and expansion, she gained the wisdom, knowledge, and first-hand experience she shares with her current clients.

    Throughout her career, and in any project she is involved with, Jolene is always creating space or enjoying the element of planning events along the way.

    Sorrento and the surrounding Amalfi coast holds a dear space in her heart, as she has traveled there for many years with other like-minded women. Never did she return the same… always expanding and re-envisioning her life. It is no surprise that she is now sharing this type of experience with other women.

    We invite you to come along with us, as we step away for our everyday life, to take a breath, be with other like-minded women, adventure, and enjoy the sweetness of Southern Italy and all that it provides.

    You can learn more about Jolene here: Dora Jolene and Systems Success

  • Retreat Facilitator

    I am the Founder of I love it when and I am driven to create a movement where you are empowered and encouraged to BE YOU at the deepest level. By embracing our true selves I believe we can find the healing, peace and deep connection that our souls are yearning for.

    I am an Energy Healer, Speaker, Coach, Retreat Facilitator and Podcast Host- they call me the "Pillar of Light". I believe in magic, the power of presence, intention and intuition. Part of the magic is the energy and presence I bring to the room- my intention is to help you take that next step... or leap, with confidence!

    When Kathleen first mentioned the idea of this retreat- I felt my heart leap! I have had the vision of facilitating a retreat in Italy for many years now. I can’t WAIT to be there with all of you! I have been creating and leading retreats for 7 years now. I love it when… I have the opportunity to bring beautiful souls together to experience a growth unlike any other. Retreats will always have my heart. When you can create a container that is safe, comfortable and where the flow of energy is well managed- the breakthroughs that people can experience is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.

    I’ll see you in Italy!
    You can learn more about Mo by listening to her podcast: I love it when


Sorrento is calling you!

We are thrilled to invite you to The Wisdom of the Ages Retreat in Sorrento, Italy in September 2024.
Did you feel that? That PULL inside of you saying:
“YES! THIS- I need to attend this retreat!”

Join us as we take the trip of a LIFETIME!
This coastal getaway is beautifully set atop cliffs in the Sorrentine peninsula in Italy. The breathtaking town offers a variety of amenities from food to the sights. During this experience with like-minded women, you will have the amazing opportunity to travel and experience the growth and community that you have been waiting for!

Imagine yourself connecting with 9 other like-minded, spiritual, highly intuitive
and heart centered female entrepreneurs. 
We will be staying in a stunning Villa- a grand-scale historic villa on the outskirts of Sorrento. 

Dolce far Niente: the sweetness of doing nothing!
Join us as we slow down from our everyday lives to bask in the local culture, food, sites and air of Southern Italy. Slow down to breathe, reflect and connect with your higher self.

This retreat is for you if you're looking for an experience that will re-connect,
re-align and refresh your passion and mission of your business and life. 
This retreat from beginning to end will be laden with intention and love.
It feels delicious.
It feels like the kind of dream you never want to wake up from!

We may have reached out to you directly to invite you to this retreat- we want to curate a very intentional and specific experience. If you know someone who you consider to be like-minded that would be a good fit- please connect us to them.

You'll arrive on Tuesday, September 24th and leave our Villa with all you have
experienced on Tuesday, October 1st- and the experience never leaves you.

6 full, delicious days and 7 nights at a gorgeous Villa in Sorrento, Italy. 
(You have an opportunity to stay for an additional day as a VIP-
inquire via the form below if intrigued!)

Our intention for this event?
Provide a safe, comfortable and expansive container for you to
reignite your passion and gain clarity on your vision.
Delicious food.
Luxurious surroundings.
Comfortable and inclusive humans.
Epic conversation around spirituality, life and what may be blocking us from deeper peace and fulfillment.
Activities that allow us to get to know one another, and ourselves on a deeper level.
Time for relaxation, sleep and reflection.

We will have an agenda with purposeful activities which INCLUDE time to rest,
time alone, and space to do what feels right for you and your body.
Again, our intention for this event: Provide a safe, comfortable and expansive container for you to reignite your passion and gain clarity on your vision.

This retreat has been created and intentionally organized by: 
Kathleen Metcalf of Kammbium: the soul behind the idea and conception of this retreat.
Jolene McDonough of Systems Success: the soul behind all of the details of the location,
Sorrento activities, transportation and food. Jolene has extensive travel and connections in the area.
Margaret (Mo) Smith of I love it when, LLC: the soul behind the facilitation and retreat agenda/activities.

“Not everyone has traveled alone, and there can be some apprehension in that of going to a foreign place, literally where you don’t know anybody. And that can be scary. And I want to reassure anyone reading this that Jolene is a master at connecting people. She’s a master at making people feel comfortable almost immediately. And within hours of arrival, you have made friends. And not just friends, lifelong friends. There is that instant opportunity to connect, learn and grow in these retreat type environments. And so especially as we get older, as adults, it’s harder to find new friends and connect.
And going on a retreat like this is just the perfect opportunity to meet like minded people.
And build some new, lifelong relationships.
-Felena Hansen | Hera Hub, Inc.
Flight Club – Sorrento 2023

You’re going to walk away from this retreat with….

  • A fresh perspective on life and business.

  • Clarity on the next steps you want to take to move towards more of what you want!

  • New friends.

  • An energetic upgrade.

  • New tools to help you tap into your inner knowing and higher self.

  • More magic in your life!

Testimonial for Jolene & Sorrento

“The retreat absolutely met my expectations. It was amazing. I came back and told everybody it was flawless. And trips, international trips are not flawless. They just aren’t.
And not to say there weren’t things here and there, but they were handled. They were behind the scenes. Our guests didn’t know about anything that was happening behind the scenes. So I rate the trip as flawless.
I would have spent hours and hours and hours and hours trying to research. It allowed me to really just focus on getting the right people there, working on the curriculum that everybody was going to be covering while they were there. It really was a night and day difference than having to try to cobble this together myself.”

-Felena Hansen | Hera Hub, Inc.
Flight Club – Sorrento 2023

Villa in Sorrento, Italy

This magnificent 4-story villa is set amongst the leafy outskirts of Sorrento, just 1/2 mile from the town centre and 75 minutes from the Naples Airport. This 300 year old convent has been converted to a stunning holiday home featuring exquisite, intricately designed arched windows, colorful ceramics and a collection of locally crafted furniture and majolica pottery, and with multiple spaces for relaxing and dining en masse.

What’s Included?

7-Night Stay

A magnificent 4-story villa is set amongst the leafy outskirts of Sorrento, just 1/2 mile from the town centre. The villa is 75 minutes from the Naples Airport. There is an option for an additional day as a VIP- inquire via the form below if you’re intrigued!

Most Meals Included

Light continental breakfast (toast, bread, jelly, yogurt & coffee), light lunch (meats, cheeses, salads from the local market), and dinner. There will be 2-3 evenings out at a local restaurant and one evening when we bring in a local chef to cook dinner! We will make note of any dietary restrictions and you are welcome to purchase any other food in town that you want of course!

Retreat Activities

Intentional and thought provoking exercises led by Mo- created to fuel expansive conversation and new perspectives!

Sorrento Experiences

We anticipate going on our annual local lemon tour, you’ll have the opportunity to explore town, partake in some amazing meals + a few other surprises we have up our sleeves!

Pre-Retreat Zoom Call

We will meet prior to the Retreat via Zoom to set us all up for success. We will also have a private Facebook group that we can utilize to get to know one another. The magic will begin to unfold for you the moment you say YES- it starts to weave all sorts of beauty into the fold!

Three Intentional Guides

One of the most unique aspects of this experience (outside of the location) is that you will have not just 1… but 3 very intentional and exceptional Leaders as your guide. Kathleen, Jolene and Mo all have very different perspectives and experiences to add to the framework. What they all have in common: pure intentions- and this is part of their magic!

Violet Rainwater

Meet Violet Rainwater, Founder of The Rainmakers Way. She attended a retreat in Sorrento, Italy- organized by Jolene in 2023. Listen to her testimonial to hear first hand how lovely the experience was!

“Jolene knows a lot about Sorrento. She’s traveled there several times, and actually lived there for nine weeks at one point. She has amazing contacts there. And so it made the trip all that more enjoyable. We knew where the best little fruit area was. We knew where the best coffee was. There were so many hidden gems that I would have never, ever found on my own- just looking on Google Maps or Yelp. So it was really, really helpful to have her knowledge and guidance and then her contacts on the ground. So if something did go a little sideways- we were able to quickly fix it and make things back to the way they needed to be in regards to travel or trip or whatever it was. All those snags that typically happen in a trip like this did not happen.”

-Felena Hansen | Hera Hub, Inc.
Flight Club – Sorrento 2023

Tentative Schedule

  • Day 1

    You will arrive on Tuesday, September 24th and have that evening to settle in with a light dinner. Starting Wednesday- we’ll begin by gathering for a continental breakfast with a thoughtful agenda, exercise, or group activity. We’ll end this day with a dinner on the Marina.

  • Day 2

    We start the day by gathering for a continental breakfast with intentional conversation and activity. We anticipate going on our annual lemon tour! Please note: this schedule is tentative and may shift/change as we get further along in our planning!

  • Day 3

    Every day we’ll connect in the morning and then you’ll have between 12-4pm to do whatever you like! Rest, wander into town or connect with fellow retreat attendees. In the evening we’ll have a local chef come to the house to cook dinner with us.

  • Day 4

    We start the day by gathering for a continental breakfast with intentional conversation and activity. This day we’ll have a surprise planned for you :) Every activity and space on the schedule will be thoughtfully spaced out to ensure you have time to decompress, integrate and remain fully present in the experience.

  • Day 5

    We start the day by gathering for a continental breakfast with intentional conversation and activity. Agenda for this day is TBD.

  • Day 6

    We start the day by gathering for a continental breakfast with intentional conversation and activity. This will be our last full day in Sorrento. We’ll bring our time together to a close, ensure that each attendee is set with their path forward and end the day with a beautiful dinner together out on the town.

  • VIP Day: 7

    Limited Availability: If you are interested in exploring having a VIP Day, select the option on your application and chat with Jolene about what's possible. You can stay at the Villa for an additional day to relax or choose to have 1:1 sessions with Mo, Kathleen or Jolene- with a focus on your specific business or personal growth.

Testimonials for Kathleen….

“By the time I finished coaching with Kathleen, I felt ready to fly. I knew how to approach new challenges with ease and purpose. I felt confidence, clarity and calm.”

— Cassie Paton

“I have learned a lot about myself and what it is I need to become a better leader and to better the team.”

— Michelle Kim

“Kathleen is the perfect coach. She exudes a wonderful confidence and positive energy that is highly motivational. She listens deeply and processes my questions and comments with thought and insight. She's super organized and efficient within each session. You'll feel understood and supported by an experienced, intelligent mentor if you sign up for coaching with Kathleen. She'll also leave you feeling uplifted and in a great mood.”

— Nancy Narimatsu


Rooms are reserved on a first come, first served basis. Three of the bedrooms have private bathrooms,
three of the bedrooms share a bathroom and one room has two twin beds. Every attendee will have their own bedroom and space to relax.
There is wifi, air conditioning and beautiful sea views from the 2nd floor terrace!


  • Payment in full is required by June 30, 2024.

    Cancellation fee may apply prior to June 30th: $500.

    Cancellation fee after June 30th: $2,500.

    *After April 30th, 2024, the price may also include an increase due to Euro conversion rates.

  • We requite a 50% deposit up front- the rest of the payments can be made monthly. Please reach out to Jolene to request after you submit your application: jolenem@jolenemcdonough.com

  • We provide transportation to / from Napoli (Naples Airport). The villa is 75 minutes from the Naples Airport.

    We do not include cost of airfare and transportation other than that noted. Please book your flights to Napoli Naples Airport, also known as Capodichino Airport (IATA: NAP). Use your travel rewards and credits. Check with your advisor, this may be a business tax write off.

  • Please reach out directly to Jolene: jolenem@jolenemcdonough.com


Limited to the first 7 people to sign up!
This retreat will sell out- be sure to get your application in ASAP.

Testimonials for Mo

"Margaret Smith will straight up teach you how to believe in yourself again! When I met Mo, I was feeling lost and lonely. I was miserable in my job, questioning my own value, burnt out, and felt invisible. It was my longing for community that moved me to find Margaret. I started attending lunch-time mastermind sessions she facilitated. I was so blown away by the dynamic leader that she is, the value I got from the meetings, and the relationships I was building, that I began making regular three-hour round-trip drives for these lunches, learning, networking, and watching her operate. Margaret creates opportunities for growth by combining just the right blend of people, purpose, and ideas. She approaches everything with genuine curiosity and I knew early on that I wanted to remain in her orbit. 

I’ve attended three of Mo’s retreats, and each time, I’ve had huge breakthroughs leading me to level up and make significant, meaningful changes in my daily life. When hosting a retreat, Mo makes sure you get to take a deep breath and just relax into what is bound to be a magical, transformative experience. She gives great consideration to the smallest details because creating a safe, comfortable environment, where people can be vulnerable, is so important to learning, change, and growth. You can bet on all of your creature comforts being met with great accommodations and food, a thoughtful agenda, the perfect line-up of presenters, and an atmosphere where you will be led to dig deep and do some important work. 

Margaret Smith is a way-shower with an innate ability to embody her own magic in such a way that you begin to see your own. She’s a connector who, in everything she does, shows up with the fullness of herself, with curiosity, authenticity, and genuine care. She’ll show you what’s possible, remind you of your power, and challenge your limiting beliefs.

If you don’t already have a reason to hire Margaret, make one up!
Massive growth awaits."

Melissa Weidling
CEO | Butterfly Thistle

First step is saying YES.
Then watch the magic unfold.